Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rainy, Rainy, Rainy Day...

For those of you who are familiar with how Texas weather has been, you'll know the word "rain" is something highly prayed for around here, but seldom happens, at least for this summer.  The blessed watery substance that hydrates the earth seems to have decided not to make it's presence known to the point where lakes seem to be drying up and forest fires are running rampant.

Starting yesterday, the skies decided to grace us with this stuff called rain.  The kids and I sat and watched it in the windows for a while.  Then we went out in it for a bit, just because every kid likes to play in the rain.  We talked about the rain.  We shared our thoughts.  That's when the kids realized that rain is really kind of a downer.  It's not nice outside, so you don't want to go play outside for long.  You get wet and cold.  It's dark and gloomy, so it means turning the lights on during the day just to see.  You can't really take books and toys outside or they might get ruined.  It's hard to play ball when it's raining.  Most people don't even want to drive anywhere when the roads are slick and wet.  It means they lose out on a lot of fun stuff.

With our massive house clean-up going on, we've been facing a lack of space, but it's been coming at a benefit to everyone, especially the kids.  Our dining room table is buried under a mountain of stuff from the kitchen cabinets that all needs to be washed and put back.  They boys room is full of boxes from the closet, so we've been having sleep over parties in my daughter's room.  All the floors need to be mopped, the walls wiped down, and everything, but we haven't been as sharply on it as we should be because we've got so much stuff!  It's meant everything we're able to do is severely limited (which leads to the kids fighting like cats and dogs).  It's been rough with the rain on top of that.

However, even with all this rough stuff going on, my kids are kind of grateful for the clean up.  Sure, for several days they're not going to have much space to play until we process through it all, clean it all, and get it all put away, but we're finding cool stuff as we go.  I've found a completely blank drawing pad, which my daughter was very excited about.  Hers is almost full.  We found a new stock of markers that had been buried in a box.  There were some toys they were looking for and couldn't seem to find.  It seems like with every box we go through, not only are we finding new things that the kids love, but we're also condensing and getting rid of stuff we don't need to hang on to anymore.  The kids love knowing we'll have more space in the house soon and they're enjoying all the fun stuff we're finding.  It's like an archaeological dig!

Though it might be raining and miserable outside, we're still having our fun.  We're exploring the depths of our own home.  When we've finally cleared off the space for the kitchen stuff to go back, we'll have the space to work on art projects with all the new art supplies we've found.  It's going to be wonderful!

While the weather might be dark and gloomy outside, I think this is the best rainy day we've had in years!

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