Sunday, December 18, 2016

Happy Birthday Creeper

Today we celebrated Creeper's birthday.  Though his birthday is close to Christmas, he's taken to enjoying Christmas as the theme to his birthday celebration.  He always wants to have a gingerbread decorating party for his birthday.  I can't say as I can blame him.  Cookies are yummy.

Instead of having a typical party, we all sat around the table with our friend, Sable, decorating cookies.  We didn't have as many supplies as we have in years past, but we had a lot of fun with it.  We used some premade cookies that we decorated.  Lacking a rolling pin, we decided that was the best way to make cookies.  Next time we're thinking of using the ninja cookie cutters we were given to make some really cool ones, but this year we did things differently.  We went with what was easy.

The kids really enjoyed making cookies together.  I'd hoped we'd have a bigger turnout, but it didn't work out that way.  In other years past we've had quite the crowd over to decorate cookies, a tradition that started before Sander was even born.  The year Sander was born he made his appearance on the day the gingerbread party was supposed to be, putting the breaks on any holiday celebration.  Since that day we combined his birthday with the gingerbread party.  I figured in time he'd want something not Christmas themed for his party, but he's really taken to it.  It's a tradition he's really grown to love.  I have a feeling this is going to be a tradition we keep for some time to come.

The best part of the gingerbread party?  Eating the cookies, of course!  It seemed at first that they were going to eat them as fast as they made them, but they slowed down eventually.  I can't blame them though.  If I could eat regular cookies I would have been all about it too.  I guess they were all safe because they're not gluten free cookies, so I couldn't have any.

I think next year we're going to plan to have more supplies.  The jelly frosting ran out too quickly and I think we needed more variety of sprinkles and candy to put on them, but it seemed to work out okay.  Bear in particular didn't want to put much candy on the cookies.  Instead each had a cluster of candies.  Bear said that was their "Yo-Kai watch."  Can you tell there was an influence there?  Next year I think we need more red because we had a number of zombie cookies.  There was also a ghost.  Sable made a penguin and Violet Beauregard from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  We seemed to have just the right number of cookies for the number of people we had.  I think if everyone showed up that originally planned to there wouldn't be enough cookies, or enough room to decorate.

The highlight of the party was, of course, Creeper's cupcake with candles.  It wouldn't be a birthday without cake and that was exactly the right size.  It almost wasn't big enough to hold the right number of candles.  We only did seven because I've never been one for the extra candle for good luck.  It somehow seemed silly to me.  I couldn't imagine trying to do an extra anyway.  There just wasn't enough room!

We did the whole birthday thing without the song, because that's what Creeper wanted.  We just lit the candles, said "Happy birthday!" and let him blow them out.  Of course, he made a wish, but you have to make a wish if it's your birthday.  He was so super excited about blowing out his candles.

After all the cookies the cupcake was divided up among anyone who wanted a taste.  Creeper was very good about sharing with everyone, even though he didn't have to.  The cupcake was for him.  He's such a good sharer, at least when he wants to be.  it seemed like the perfect end to the gingerbread party.  He had his cake and everything was good.  This was definitely a successful birthday.

Not only did his birthday go well, but we found the perfect cupcake for his birthday.  The frosting was green, Creeper's favorite color.  It was an extra large cupcake, so perfect for sharing.  Best of all, we were able to find some LEGO block candles, which really set this cupcake well above everything else we've done in the past.  The cupcake was a little Christmas themed, but it wasn't too bad once all the candles were on.

I have to admit, I'm pretty happy with how that little cupcake turned out, though I think next year we either need smaller candles or a bigger cake.  That thing was full to the brim.  As it was the candles were already trying to topple over.  Thankfully Creeper didn't care.  He was thrilled with his cupcake just the way it was.  I think his favorite part was being able to make a wish anyway.  I can't blame him.  Wishes are some pretty awesome stuff.

Overall, I'd call this a pretty successful birthday, perhaps one of the most successful one's we've had.  I'm really happy with the way everything worked out, even if it would have been nicer to do it with more friends around.  We didn't really have room for more people, so it worked out.  Creeper didn't seem to care that his friends weren't there either.  The whole day included MineCraft and watching The Wizard of Oz and Wreck-It Ralph, so I think that totally added the finishing touch.

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