Tuesday, August 28, 2018

First Day Down

It's morning, and that means I'll be getting into it soon, but I figured I'd at least pop on and give a little bit about how everything went yesterday.  After all, it was the first day of school!

First Pinkie went back to her high school, which was great.  I guess she was in shop for her first day, which meant she didn't have terribly much hard stuff to do, but talk about starting off on the right foot!  Shop is her favorite, so that was a perfect way to start the year!

As always, she started off the first day of school late, apparently.  I guess she's taken to walking to school, which is good!  It's definitely healthier for her than just taking the bus!  She didn't really talk about it much, but she was in a good mood the whole day, so I guess that's a sign that her first day went pretty well.  At least there were no complaints.

This is going to be a more challenging year for her because she's got her first honors class.  It's going to be interesting to see how it goes once everything hits full swing with academics again next week.  I have to wonder how much that will change how she feels about school.

As for the rest of them, it was a rough start.  Bear fell to pieces somewhere around lunch time.  He didn't get much sleep and that resulted in a really rough spot for him.  I ended up carrying him to bed and staying with him until he was sleeping, so he didn't finish his work.  It was frustrating, but at least he hit the big points.  We got through his literature, history, and science, which left us with only the subjects we've been really going hard at to get on track.  Having one day off isn't really going to hurt him at this point.

Creeper did great for his first day.  He kind of broke down on his reading at the end of it all, but it was a long day.  I can't blame him for just being done with the whole thing.  It's a longer day than we've had in the past couple of years, so it's going to be a challenge for him.  Plus, it's an adjustment with a new routine and a new curriculum.  He doesn't love the idea of having to do more work, but we're getting through it.  At least he knows some of it is fun because his science had him drawing space yesterday.  That was a lot of fun for him.  It worked out pretty well!

For Link, I think, it was the hardest.  He wasn't even done with his work on the computer until almost five, and then he still had his math, phonics, and science to do, as well as some more reading.  As it stood he didn't finish his math.  We didn't even start with his science until this morning, and he's finishing his reading now.  We're going to see how this is going forward, especially once babysitting starts.  He's not going to want to work once there are more kids in the house.  I'm hoping we can just start finishing his day by 4:30.

But that's our start to the week.  I'm wondering how things will go from here, but I'm thinking now that Bear is more well rested it's going to make all the difference.  I have a feeling there's going to be some adjustments we need to make, but one we get it settled out it'll all be just fine.

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