Friday, February 4, 2011

Trying to Make the Best of a Sick Day

It's no fun being sick.  It means sleeping, staying in bed, and in general, not doing much at all.  I've been forcing myself to function as much as possible, but I haven't been able to do too much.  I honestly think I need to look at my diet again.  For the most part I only get an upset stomach when I've been eating too much of something I shouldn't have on a regular basis.  I wouldn't be surprised if the culprit is dairy in this case.  Dairy is usually to blame for the majority of my upset stomachs...

Today has been kind of a wasted day.  We haven't done much of anything.  My daughter is currently playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl on the Wii with our neighbor.  I just wish she could play the game a bit more quietly!  My head hurts!  Still, she's at least doing something that will keep her busy.

My littlest has decided today is a block day.  He's got one of those little wagons with the blocks in them, which has been the toy of the day.  He likes dragging the wagon around, but he hasn't been too thrilled about the blocks until recently.  I was also given some more wooden blocks to throw into the mix.  They're still sitting in the punch bowl they arrived in, which seems to make them all the more interesting.  My older son has been keeping himself pretty busy with reading one of the Batman books my aunt sent.  He's decided books, which were pretty cool before, are even more interesting now that they include super heroes too!

I have to say, it's really nice not to have to take my kids to school first thing in the morning when I'm not feeling well.  It's nice to know that they can keep after themselves for a while.  I really love their ability to keep themselves occupied.  It's meant I can curl up on the couch and kind of veg while they're happily keeping themselves busy!  The older two enjoy making their own breakfasts and sandwiches for lunch, so it means I only have one to worry about feeding.  My partner decided to make dinner, so that means one less meal I have to worry about.  I wouldn't have had that if we were a normal family that sends their kids to school!  Well, maybe today because schools had a snow day, but we don't need to count on snow as an excuse!

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