Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Best Birthday Present Ever!

My son's birthday was yesterday.  He was so excited at all the presents from his aunt and uncle.  Presents are always more fun when they come in the mail.  Both the older two have decided that presents from people they see every day are nice, but they've got nothing on the presents from people who live far away.  I hate to say it, but I'm inclined to agree.  There's really something enjoyable about getting stuff in the mail no matter what it is.

He didn't want to move on from his favorite present.  He opened it up and insisted that he wanted to play with it right away!  It was the best gift he'd ever gotten, something he'd wanted since Christmas.  He was overjoyed!

What was this present he wanted so badly?  It's a game called Uno Moo.  It's very similar to your traditional Uno game, but a lot less complicated.  Instead of cards it's animals of different colors and you need to match either color or type.  Each animal gets knocked into the barn as you play.  Farmers are your wild card and skunks make you draw two.  The rules are really that simple.  When you're down to one animal left you have to call out "uno moo!"  If anyone catches you if you don't, then you have to draw two animals from the barn.

The kids loved this game.  It's simple, easy, and something that doesn't take terribly long.  It's perfect for my son's attention span.  It's long enough for him to get into it, but short enough that he doesn't get distracted.  If he's feeling up to sitting for a while longer we can always do a second game when all is said and done.

He's been begging us for this game since he saw it at Christmas time.  His game from Santa was already planned at that point, so he wasn't going to get it for Christmas.  I'm thrilled that my aunt sent it for his birthday.  He's pretty excited about it too!  He's decided this is his favorite present this year!

We got a video of him thanking his aunt and uncle for this really cool present.  This is an experiment with PhotoBucket, so we're going to see what happens...

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