Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Public Tansportation, How I Miss You!

Gas prices throughout the country are soaring.  It's costing more and more just to fill up even the most efficient cars.  My little car (which is thankfully pretty efficient) cost me $50 to fill up and the low fuel light wasn't even on yet.  It's a little scary to think how much I'm going to spend just getting to the places I need to go to for the next year.  It's a little crazy, and if the gas prices don't come down, I'm going to wish I could sell my car and get a cheaper one, but that would mean used with significantly less gas mileage.

Back home I didn't need to worry about gas prices.  I was able to take the subway or the bus anywhere I needed to go.  With a pass I could take as many bus or subway rides as I wanted.  There were some times when I took the bus somewhere just to go there.  Why not?  The bus would run whether I was on it or not, so why not take it, go on an adventure?  I used to make a point to take the bus and subway enough that I was saving money by buying a pass, even if I wasn't going anywhere I needed to go.  It was freeing.

That's one thing I miss here in Texas.  I miss being able to walk to the grocery store.  I miss being able to take the subway and just go anywhere I feel like going.  It was nice to have so much convenient and easy to get to.  I know living on public transportation wasn't always a great way to live.  It could be a hassle, especially with kids, but I still miss it.  It was still a more efficient way to travel and I loved having the freedom to leave without having to worry about the skyrocketing gas prices.

Instead of living somewhere with public transportation, I live in Texas.  Their idea of public transportation here seems to be nearly useless.  Perhaps in the city it's better, but in the area we live in it's entirely useless.  Instead you have to drive everywhere, and nothing is nearby.  Nowhere is really within walking distance and if you do choose to walk, people look at you like you're crazy.  It's really frustrating.

Boston, I miss you.  I miss the convenience of your public transportation.  I miss living in a walking city.  Texas will never stand a chance in comparison.

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