Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Converted to Flats

Everyone seems to assume flat diapers are such a challenge.  How can you get those giant squares of cloth to possibly go on a baby's bottom?  They must be folded up in some insane way.  They must be so challenging to use.  I'll admit, I was even intimidated by them at first, but I decided to give them a try.  You never know, they could be easier than they look!  I doubted it, but try everything once.

I decided to go all in.  I couldn't really afford a huge stock of diapers, so I was going to go with flats.  I didn't care if they were complicated.  They were cheap!  I could get four dozen for sixty dollars.  Even if I hated them, at least I didn't spend a small fortune.  I'd just have to suffer.  It was the only way I was going to be able to afford to convert to cloth right away.

When I got them, I was intimidated.  These things were huge!  They were far bigger than they possibly could need to be.  I hoped they shrunk down significantly in the wash, but I was a little disappointed when they didn't shrink much.  I had no idea how something so massive was supposed to fit on my little baby boy.  And people use these things on newborns?  I was shocked.

With a healthy dose of doubt, I pulled up the website.  I checked out the info they had on the "origami fold".  It looked simple enough, but I had my doubts.  Surely nothing could be that easy.  Much to my surprise, it really was!  Fold into halves, then corner to corner, roll over the center, then put it on the baby!  It was so incredibly simple!  I was able to diaper my baby in slightly more time than it took with disposables and I'd just gotten them!  How could I have had any doubts?

I have fallen in love with flat diapers!  I swear, these are the only diapers I'll use from here on out.  I'll be tempted to buy them for all my friends who cloth diaper.  I'm sold.  They're so easy and convenient!  I don't know how I ever lived without them!