Sunday, July 3, 2011

It's Summer Time!

So, we've been away for a while!  It's summer, and that happens.  We're doing all kinds of crazy things and life is being kind of chaotic.  We've had a lot happen!

So, I don't know where I was at when I last wrote (and I'm feeling a bit too lazy to look!) but a lot has happened.  It's been quite the adventure for the whole family.  There's been some good, some bad, and some just plain crazy.  We're making the best of it all, and it's made for some interesting times.

On May 1st we had a fire at the house.  We're still not aware of how it started, but the porch lit up and though we tried to put it out, it ended up getting out of control and the fire department had to be called.  The kids got to watch the front porch get hacked up with axes and a chain saw as they tried to get under the cement to get at the flames.  Thankfully the damage wasn't so bad, so we're still able to live in our apartment.

This is when we found out we had the landlords from...well...somewhere not nice.  Our front doorknob started falling off every time we tried to use the front door.  They tried to look for a way to put the fire damages on our renter's insurance, which was illegal.  When we caught on they tried to tell us the fire was our fault and we had to pay out of pocket for the damages.  They refused to let us see the fire marshal's report, which told us something shady was going on.  It took them over a month to fix our door knob.  The damages from the fire still aren't fixed.  In all of this, they decided they were going to sell the building.

Just after all of this went on our air conditioner went out.  Now, in other areas of the world, this wouldn't be such a big deal, but in a house that was in the high nineties all day long, that's kind of a big deal.  The baby had a horrible heat rash that was starting to consume his whole body, so we had to seek refuge at friends' houses so we wouldn't all be sick from the heat.  The most they could offer us was to move into the apartment next door, but for all that work we were going to get no compensation and needed to waste a lot of time and effort that we really couldn't expend at the time.  It would mean transferring our utilities and everything as well.   It would just be a lot of hassle and we opted to wait until they could fix it.

So, after all of that, the building was sold.  Wouldn't you know it?  The door knob was fixed the day it was sold.  The air conditioner was fixed in the next couple of days.  It's been nearly a month and the fire damage is getting fixed now too.  It's all going to look even better because we're getting a new coat of paint too.  I'm actually pleased with this new landlord.

That's kind of been our early summer, and part of the reason we've been so busy.  Hopefully we'll be back on track before summer is out!

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