Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School

All over Texas kids were loaded up on buses and packed off to schools.  I still can't get used to how early schools start here.  I remember it being September before we ever hit the schools.  While all the children got on the buses and packed into crowded classrooms and cafeterias, my children were at home, playing in their rooms.

I have to admit, it's a little sad when the kids go back to school.  All kids seem to look forward to going to school when they're young.  I know I used to think it was exciting.  True, it was pretty much the same kids year after year, so there wasn't always the thrill of meeting new kids, but it was still something new and exciting.

A part of me wants that for my kids.  A part of me thinks it would be good for them to have somewhere I drop them off and leave them in the care of another adult with tons of kids thier own age.  It would be a good experience for them.  It would be nice to know that they're learning with other kids and having to listen to rules someone else is responsible for enforcing.  It's kind of nice that it wouldn't be all on me.

At the same time, I have to say it's kind of nice to see that yellow bus drive by with all the kids who are coming home from school and know I don't have anyone there to meet.  Instead my kids spend the day with their family doing cool things they'd never get the chance to do during school.  It's kind of nice to know I'm not required to be home when the bus stops off.  I can go run errands when I want, and each errand can hold lessons for my kids too.

Instead of school this year, my kids will have their own kind of school.  The co-op starts in almost two weeks.  My oldest will be studying philosophy and chemistry, two classes that aren't offered in school at her age.  My middle son will be learning sign language and about the human body.  Sign language isn't something I've ever really known to be taught in school to kids of speaking age.  The littlest ones have play time, so my youngest even has a chance to get involved with other kids and learn, even if it's just "playground education".  You might be surprised what a child can learn at the playground!

While I do feel a little sad that my children will miss out on something that was such an important and influential part of my childhood, I think it's better for them.  I think they'll enjoy it a whole lot more, especially the co-op.  I can't wait until we start that!  I'm as excited as they are, maybe more than they are.  Every day they ask me when they get to go to the homeschool co-op.  Every day I feel bad that they can't go yet.  It's going to be a great fall for us.

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