Thursday, August 18, 2011

Reading Poetry

We've finally made progress!  My daughter actually likes reading some things.  We're still playing the game of her trying to convince us to let her read the shortest piece she can possibly read for the least amount of work, but she's found something she likes reading, which helps.  It also helps that she's going to need to read for the homeschool co-op this year.  I'm starting to like the idea of this co-op more and more!

So what has got my daughter reading?  Years back we got a copy of A Light in the Attic.  I haven't done much with the poetry in it because, well, I'll admit it, I hate poetry.  I write poetry now and again, but I hate reading it.  As a result, I didn't put much thought into reading it to her.

Don't get me wrong, I'm good with poetry.  I understand it.  Unfortunately, it just doesn't captivate my interest.  I find it rather boring.  It's just not something that inspires me.  At this rate, she's going to be reading well enough for the co-op in no time!

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