Saturday, November 12, 2011

Moving Time Again

Due to, well, a lot of circumstances, my family is moving.  At first I was really upset about this whole thing.  I didn't want to move again.  We couldn't really afford to move somewhere better than where we were at.  In my opinion, we couldn't move at all.  It was a frustrating situation, but it all worked out for the best.

We've moved from an apartment into a trailer park.  At first I figured it was just one of those modular home places that are named mobile home communities even though the houses really don't move, for the most part.  When I arrived I was shocked to see the house we were looking at actually has a trailer hitch right out front!  I was wrong!  It really is a trailer!  There's an RV parked almost across the way too.

I have to admit, when I first got here, I didn't want to give this place a chance.  My first thought was "wow...this is a neighborhood I don't want to be associated with", but I know that comes from being raised with this great idea of status.  People with money simply don't live like this.  A number of the trailers look kind of run down and it definitely doesn't look like a classy part of town.  That almost wrote it off right away.

Well, I'm glad I looked farther.  There were kids playing outside when I got here, and they all seemed to be having a great time.  The place isn't perfect for us, but it's kind of what we need right now.  The kids love the house, and as much as my snobby side hates to admit it, I actually kind of love it too.  There's a yard, though not much of one, and because it's not a fancy high-end neighborhood, they'd have no problems with me putting up a clothes line, just as long as it's secure in case the neighborhood kids try to hang on it.  They'd be thrilled to have me do some gardening as long as I mark it off well so the groundskeeper doesn't mow over it by accident.  There's lots of windows with plenty of light too.  That means a bright, sunny place, not somewhere as gloomy and dark as the last one.  Yes, it's a little drafty and we're going to have to get electric heaters because the gas heat in this particular trailer isn't all that great, but that's something we can work with.  It's warm enough that the kids aren't bothered by the temperature of the house, and that was after having the door open all night and the cold air let in because we were moving everything into the house.

What I like best about this place is the ability for the kids to go outside, and the chance to actually garden.  We may not be able to grow much, but if we can find a good area to grow some vegetables we could save ourselves a little on our grocery bill.  The neighborhood is really quiet and so far all the neighbors seem really nice.  The management is wonderful too.  From what we've been told by the people we've already met, everyone kind of looks out for everyone here, which is great.  We're out in the country too, so we're away from downtown and all the high crime areas.  Someone would actually have to put some thought about coming out here to break in or mess with the property.  Even the mailboxes go unlocked.  We'll even get to go for a decently long walk through the park to get to the mail boxes.  While some might view that as a pain, I think that's kind of nice.  The kids will enjoy going for a walk every day and it's not that far.

Last night I couldn't help thinking it felt like camping when I was standing out by the moving truck, looking up at the stars.  This is kind of a creepy place to live for me.  I've never lived in a place with such a huge expanse of sky.  The little office and the RV across the way give this place a feel of camping, not a place to permanently live.  It just seems like it should be little rows of cabins by a lake or in the mountains somewhere.  They're not the rich and ritzy places, but more the places the average family goes to camp.  It feels like a whole new adventure.  Most importantly, the kids love it, and that makes me happiest of all!

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