Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Things I'm Thankful For, Week Four

Okay, it's a little delayed.  I forgot to do it on Sunday, so I figured I'd just wait dramatically for the last day of the month.  Actually, I'm not sure if dramatic is so much the word for it, but this date just kind of works, so here we go!

  1. I'm thankful for electric heaters.  You never realize how important heat is in your home until you don't have any.  Thanks to a friend (and soon Amazon) we're going to have plenty of warmth in our house this winter, even with all the troubles this place has to make it prone to being cold.
  2. I'm thankful for Amazon.  Thanks to Amazon, I was able to get the heaters we ordered at a deep discount.  Our Christmas tree was nearly half off.  I'm also able to do all of my Christmas shopping for the kids in one stop, and it's all a lot more affordable than if I'd had to go out to each individual store.
  3. I'm thankful for the post office.  So many people take things like mail for granted.  More often than not, it just delivers bills and junk mail, things no one wants to see.  For my family, we're able to send and receive things from friends and family we're no longer close enough to visit with.  It's definitely made staying in touch with friends and family that much better.
  4. I'm thankful for honest children, no matter who's children they are.  Thanks to the honesty of one of the neighborhood children, our broken window is now becoming the problem of the parents of the children that broke it and we're off the hook for being responsible.
  5. I'm thankful for all the people (real and fictional) that inspire my family and I.  My daughter has been inspired to take up archery.  My son is inspired to play baseball and play music.  I'm inspired to start dancing again, and maybe take up music again.  I'm also inspired to make another costume.  It's given all of us something to look forward to, and it's so much better to look forward to something than to just fill our days with idol time.  May the inspiration keep on coming!
  6. I'm thankful for activities rather than just toys, video games, and diversions.  Again, I'm going to mention archery and baseball here.  Sports provide something active that involves the body, no matter what the sport.  Dance keeps me fit.  Arts allow my children to express their creativity.  Activities do something toys, video games, and other diversions will never be able to do.  Activities, such as arts and crafts, sports, and science experiments are fulfilling for body, mind, and soul.  On top of that, they're always learning experiences.  You've always got room to improve with sports.  Artistic vision can always come closer to matching what you envision in your mind's eye.  Science doesn't need to be explained as a learning experience!  There are just so many benefits to activities that these other diversions could never fill.  This is why I'm thankful for all the activities we have in our lives.
  7. Most importantly, I'm thankful for life, both my own and the lives of those I love.  No one is going to live forever, so I'm so happy I'm able to share every moment with the people and things I love.  Yes, my life in particular may be hard and challenging at times, but each moment I see my children smiles, that makes it completely worth it.

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