Sunday, November 6, 2011

Things I'm Thankful For, Week One

A lot of people on Facebook have been doing a count-down to Thanksgiving. Each day from November 1st to Thanksgiving they will be listing one thing they are thankful for. I love the idea, but I can't get online every day, so I'm going to do it every week for the month of November. Every Sunday for the month I'm going to list seven things I'm thankful for, and that might be easier than expected with the way the past few weeks are going. So, here goes! This is my list for week one!

  1. I'm thankful for my kids!  Sure, some days they drive me nuts and some days I really wish they'd lose my name and forget I'm here for an hour so I can actually get something done without a million interruptions, but those times pass.  Most of the time they're bringing the whole house tons of happiness!  When times are the worst, they give me a reason to get up and keep on moving, no matter how much I don't want to.  They give me a reason to keep on trying.  I don't know what I'd do without them.
  2. I'm thankful for my fantastic aunt!  Sure, she and I don't always see eye to eye, but she's always there for me to talk to, even if she doesn't like what I have to say, even if I don't like the advice and opinions she's handing back to me (because, let's face it, sometimes the truth isn't exactly easy to hear!) Without her we'd have fewer crayons, markers, and holiday crafts.  We wouldn't have such a wonderful stock of play doh.  We wouldn't have such fantastic games, half of which I'd never even heard of before she sent them.  We wouldn't have all of the fantastic kid-friendly decorations that are just as good for putting up to decorate as they are for playing with.  That's not even starting on all of the wonderful books my aunt sends on every subject!  She's really offered the children wonderful ways to expand their minds and interests, just like she did with me when I was a kid.  Most of all?  I'm thankful for my aunt because she's always been the member of the family who has meant the most to me, something I don't know if I've ever told her before.  She's been wonderful to my family, no matter who may be a part of it or what is going on in my life.  I can't wait to live closer, or at least to be able to visit with her again.
  3. I'm thankful for wonderful friends who may as well be family.  Every time bad news hits they're right there to tell me how strong I am and how they'll do everything they can to help us out.  Well, sometimes "everything they can" is nothing more than a good recommendation or someone to vent to, but that's sometimes all a person needs.  Without my friends, I think I'd be pretty lost without them.
  4. I'm thankful for both of Chesh's new jobs.  He's working in the kitchen at the school district and a local restaurant.  Both jobs offer benefits and are about 20 hours per week.  That means together they're full time.  It's not the ideal situation, but it's definitely a start.  Together they're the answer to our financial struggles.
  5. I'm thankful for the homeschool co-op.  The co-op is made up of a group of fantastic moms and their wonderful kids.  They're wonderful to talk to and I feel like I'm finally starting to find a community where I belong.  Better yet, the kids are making some fantastic friends their own age that aren't completely caught up in school dramas and what's trendy and in.  They're a fantastic group and I'm so glad I met them all!  Without the co-op, our lives definitely wouldn't be the same!
  6. I'm thankful for the weather.  It's finally cool and bearable here in Texas.  Yes, sometimes it's a little cold for my liking without having proper winter clothes, but it's nice to be able to spend some time outside, even if today is cloudy and "miserable".  I keep hoping it will rain and then it would be the perfect day!
  7. I'm thankful for family games.  Whether they're educational or purely for fun, they always make for great time to sit around the table as a family.  Lately we've been playing at least one almost every day.  We've got a pretty good variety so we're probably not going to get bored of them any time soon.  Besides, even if we do start to tire of the games we've got, they're inexpensive enough that it's easy to add a new game or two to the mix now and again, and you'd be amazed how many different card games you can find online!  That means fantastic, inexpensive family entertainment that engages everyone's minds and encourages a social atmosphere.  Even a group of adults can get behind that!
Wow!  That was pretty easy!  It's wonderful to know just how many blessings I have in my life.  Three more weeks of this is going to be incredibly easy!

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