Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy...

I never realized how much time my family would be spending out of the house this year.  I always heard about homeschool families never being home, but I never thought my family would be like that.  We're living on a very limited budget right now, so we can only afford so many extra expenses.  I figured being a family that's never home would be something that would only happen once we were a little more financially stable, and probably when the kids were older and more involved in activities of their own choosing, like sports and classes and things.  I'd never thought of the possibility of that happening so soon.

Thinking about our opportunities to get out, I've realized there's a lot of things for us to get out and do, even if they're just park days.  Monday we'll have the co-op.  There usually seems to be a local park day on Wednesdays.  There's another park day on Fridays.  I'm going to see if I can set up another play date on Tuesdays or Thursdays, maybe both.  That would give us something to do every day of the week.  Already this  is the start to having pretty busy weeks!  Once we're a little more financially set my my son wants to take guitar lessons and would love to get into baseball or soccer.  My daughter has asked about piano lessons, martial arts, and art classes.  She thinks soccer might be fun too.  Thankfully my littlest is too young to have much interest in classes, but it will only be a couple of years before he's wanting to do stuff as well.

I'm really looking forward to getting out and feeling pretty busy.  It's going to be good to spend that time in the fresh air.  It will be great to see other moms.  I'll have some socialization, and so will the kids.  Sadly, we've been cooped up most of the time since we've moved.  It's made everyone really irritable and unpleasant.

All this getting out, playing, and running around will have a great benefit too!  The kids will get a lot more exercise, which means they'll be a lot more tired come bed time.  Maybe it'll be less of a fight to get them to sleep!  I'll know they'll be getting in shape too because of all the running around I know they'll be doing at the park.  On top of it all, they'll be getting a lot more fresh air than they do around the house.  Without a fenced yard and knowing the reputation of some of the local kids, I'm not terribly inclined to send the kids out to play without a lot of supervision, and that means watching them all like hawks and trying to wrangle them as they all run off different directions.  As a result, we don't spend too much time out of the house.  It'll be good for all of us to have a little bit of time in the sun!

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