Wednesday, January 25, 2012

They're All Getting So Grown Up

Last night Chesh and I were hit with a striking point.  What are we going to do when the kids are grown up and out of the house?  It's something I guess most parents don't think about until their kids are older and likely to be moving out, but it just hit me.  It may be years off, but there's so much evidence that no matter how much we enjoy the moment, it's still going to happen sooner than we realize.

Thinking about that made me realize just how grown up all of my kids have gotten.  I'm not going to say that it seems like yesterday that Bunny Boo was just a baby.  Thankfully, it doesn't!  But it seems like not that long ago that she was my curly-headed girl that would bounce around with all the sass that her brother has.  She was so much shorter then!

Bunny Boo has proven how brilliant she really can be.  She's pretty good at problem solving, when she chooses to be.  She's got a wild temper and a selfish nature, but she's also got the capacity to be incredibly protective of her brothers and her friends.  Sometimes she's really too smart for her own good!  Often that ends with her making smart alec comments that make everyone roll their eyes.  She loves math and has a logical mind for science.  While she's not very good at art (which is normal for her age) she has a passion for it.  She enjoys learning about everything, as long as she doesn't have to read about it.  Even then she's starting to come around and is actually enjoying magazines.  She loves the Kids Discover Magazine and we're getting her a subscription to National Geographic Kids as well.  I kind of wish we had more to spend each year because I think we'd probably load up on magazine subscriptions!  Thankfully, the Kids Discover magazines were a gift from her aunt.

Bunny Boo also loves history and we're finding out day by day it doesn't matter much what kind of history it is, as long as it helps to explain why things are the way they are today.  The American Revolution is interesting because it's how our country became a country.  Women's suffrage is interesting because she sees it as the start of the feminist movement, and she's decided she's a modern feminist.  Her newest historic interest is inventors.  She loves hearing how science was discovered and who it was discovered by.  She also likes to know about things like who made the first car, who made the first vacuum cleaner, or who made the first cell phones.  It's amazing the things that interest her now.

Link has turned into such a comedian.  He's always looking for ways to make everyone laugh.  He loves to run around the house pretending he's a pirate, or Link (hence the reason he asked me to call him that on this blog!) from Legend of Zelda.  He's decided he likes to clean his own bowl for cereal and gets upset if anyone else wants to pour him milk or get his juice.  He's very determined to do everything he can without help, aside from writing.  He's got a serious love for music and is slowly learning how to play guitar, though it's not easy when dealing with the attention span of an energetic four year old.  It's not easy with his tiny fingers either.  It's going to take some time, but maybe we can get him some lessons before long.  He's decided he wants to grow up to be a mechanic, but he wants to work on robots, preferably transformers.  He's even decided he wants to have a car that's like a transformer when he gets older.  Of course, you know kids and how their opinions change.  While Bunny Boo is very interested in history and art above all (though science is cool too), Link is all about science and engineering.  He loves to build things.  He's becoming more and more my little scientist and engineer with every day that goes by.

It's not just taking control of his life that Link's been up to.  He's also decided he likes reading.  He's still barely reading, and it's only a few words he recognizes here and there, but he's learning.  For the most part he's been teaching himself how to read.  I'm really impressed with how far he's come!  Before long he'll be on to whole books without help, mostly because he doesn't want any help.  He just wants to do it all on his own.  He's a very independent child.

Of course, we all know with kids that what they are now may not be what they are ten years from now.  Bunny Boo may want nothing more than to be an artist now, but she may some day be a doctor.  Link might show all the signs of a budding engineer, but he may go on to be a great musician or an archaeologist.  I'm certainly not going to limit my kids to what they become in the future, but it will definitely be exciting to see how their interests evolve over the years.

Even the littlest one has really grown a lot, possibly the most.  He's talking up a storm, though sometimes he's not the easiest to understand.  "Boo" can mean just what it sounds like, "Boo!"  It can also mean broke, book, boat, and boot.  "Moo" generally means milk, but can also mean move.  "Go" is pretty clear, but sometimes also means "grow".  Even "Mama" can have an alternate meaning.  Typically he's talking to me, but sometimes he's really saying, "My, my" or "mine, mine".  We haven't quite figured out which it is.  "Ow" can mean he's hurt, but he also says it to tell us when something is hot or cold.  It's also become the way he says "out", which sometimes, confusingly, actually means in or uo.  He's decided "poo" means poop as well as pee.  "Ha" means hat and have.  "Cu" means cup, which is the only word that seems to have a single function in his vocabulary at this point.  He also likes "uh-oh", "no", and "pleesh!"  He's also decided to say "Eww..." when it comes to anything he might find icky.  He says it any time he hears someone fart or burp.  He says it when he sees something that looks icky, even if it's not.  He says it when he finds a piece of old food that he's hidden from us, or trash.  It may not be a flawless system, but at least he communicates better than he did a few short months ago!  It's a start.

I know it won't be long before all of them are moving on to even greater things.  Bunny Boo will be reading without challenges.  She'll probably be pretty good at art by then.  She might even find she likes a kind of art that isn't drawing or painting.  Link will be working on crazy inventions of his own, this time ones that aren't imaginary.  The little man will be talking like a pro and reading before we know it.  It will be hard to believe that it wasn't so long ago that they were all right where they are now.  We'll look back and think it was forever ago, but at the same time, all to little time.  It's amazing how fast they're all growing.  It just seems to be passing by all too quickly.

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