Monday, January 30, 2012

It's Co-op Time Again...

Ah, the co-op!  I forgot how much I missed all the crazy bustling of activity.  There's something about the bustle of kids from place to place and all the cool things they do at the co-op.  I wish my kids would actually tell me what they're learning, but they'd much rather tell me about other things they do.  However, I know they're learning from peeking in on their classes and helping whenever I'm needed.

The little man didn't go to the co-op today, but he was missed.  He decided he wanted to have a hang-out day with Daddy, something the two of them haven't had without the other kids around in a good long while.  I think they needed their boy time.  However, it looks like he's going to have a full and fun class of other kids his age.  I'm sure he'll really like that.  He might not have enough interest in the other kids to care that he's seeing his "friends" again at this stage, but at least he'll be seeing the kids he's spent so much time playing with in the past, and a few new faces!  I'm sure he'll be very excited to have other kids to play with this year.  He's much more interested in interacting with other kids these days.  I have a feeling he'll be handing out more than a few hugs!

Sadly, I didn't get to see much of what Bunny Boo did in her classes, but I was teaching her theater class, so I got to see that.  Those kids are a riot!  Some of them were more into it than others, which is normal early on.  I don't think any of them really knew what to expect.  I know they all thought there was going to be a lot of acting, but with kids with a variety of skill levels, it's hard to gauge what they're ready for.  Besides, I don't want to get them tied down to script acting.  Kids have great imaginations for improvisation!  Some of that class really is a riot.  The one lone boy definitely stands out, and not just because he's a boy!  He's a brave one and isn't at all intimidated to get up in front of the classroom full of girls and act out his scene.  They're going to be a lot of fun and I can't wait to see how their skills all develop.

After that Bunny Boo disappeared for chemistry and art appreciation.  I can't say for sure how either of those classes went.  Bunny Boo isn't much for sharing (at least not until months later when she starts telling me all about molecules and atoms), so I didn't hear much about it.  However, the art appreciation class sounds wonderful.  Unfortunately, I won't be able to see any of her artwork until after the co-op.  They're keeping all their artwork in class so they can be a part of the local arts exhibit.  Apparently all the schools enter exhibits, so they thought it would be nice if the homeschoolers could do their own thing.  I can't wait to see the exhibit!

Link's classes were so much fun!  He learned about viruses and bacteria today in his science class.  Their snack was in the different shapes of bacteria to help them remember.  Then they made viruses as their craft.  Link's virus is a little virus version of him.  It even has a sword.  Then he went on to his global arts class.  They made quilts out of squares of fabric glued to pieces of cardboard to represent the North American tradition of quilting.  I think it was a wonderful project.  They also got their passports so they can travel to other countries for the rest of the co-op.  Next week they're traveling to South America.

Another mom mentioned to me after everything was over that her relatives didn't agree with her choice to homeschool, but she made a great argument for it.  Kids in schools around here aren't getting to take art and theater classes.  Kids her son's age aren't exactly taking chemistry either.  These kids are having a chance to experience classes they'd never have a chance to take if they didn't go for private instruction, and they're learning to work with kids of a variety of ages.  It's a wonderful experience.  I can't imagine having them do anything else!

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