Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ranger Rick, Something for All My Kids

I only vaguely remember the magazines I read when I was younger.  I remember getting Highlights, and that's perhaps the one that sticks best in my mind. I know we got Zoobooks. I'm pretty sure we also got National Geographic Kids. However, I don't really remember Ranger Rick.  That's really been something that was more for my kids, nothing I remember when I was younger.  I'm pretty sure it was around, but I don't even remember it from when I was a kid.

Thankfully, Ranger Rick is a magazine that's thought about providing something for everyone.  It's hard to feel fair with magazine subscriptions most of the family doesn't get any magazines, but one person gets them all.  I feel like the other kids are left out because there aren't as many options.  I'm sure my littlest doesn't care much, but they all like sitting and waiting for their hand-out when magazines come in the mail.  It's a moment of excitement for them.

I kind of get it too.  I always used to love getting mail.  It's harder with e-mail because I don't get mail as often. I don't splurge on magazines for myself anymore, so the most I get is the occasional catalog.  Generally it's just bills and junk mail.  However, as a kid I was always excited when the mail came.

More often than not the kids get packages.  There's generally cards in the packages, but it's big giant boxes over anything you'd get in the mail box.  They get so thrilled on those days, but magazine days are better.  The mailman doesn't come to our door so they're caught off guard, surprised.  It's a little bit of something unexpected to brighten up their day.

What I love about Ranger Rick is the ability to interest kids of all ages, or at least younger kids of all ages.  There does come an age when kids are more likely to want to read adult or teen magazines, but my kids aren't quite there yet.  Until then, Ranger Rick is perfect for my whole family.

The little guy right now gets "the baby magazine" as my daughter puts it.  Our stock of Wild Animal Baby has been growing since Link was little.  A handful of them have been ruined over time by being chewed on or spit up on.  Both my boys loved the books when they were very little, but they didn't always understand the rules of books, like "books don't belong in your mouth."  Now my littlest is old enough that he proudly turns the pages of his own book and pretends to read it all on his own.  He's not much for being read to anymore, so he doesn't really get the full effect, but he still loves he books.  On top of that, he just lights up like nothing else when the other kids get something in the mail and then I hand him his own magazine too!  It makes him feel special.  We get extra use out of it because my daughter will read some of the stuff to Link, so all the kids get something out of it.

Link getsYour Big Backyard.  His older sister got it until not to long ago when he was still getting Animal Babies.  It all changed over right about the time my youngest was born.  We all love that magazine.  Link particularly likes all the pictures of the animals.  This issue had a lot of walrus pictures, which he thought was pretty cool.  We generally don't read much together, but he prefers to have his big sister read to him.  He'll look at his magazines for hours on end!

Bunny Boo is very excited to get Ranger Rick.  It's much more grown-up than the other two magazines, so it makes her feel like an adult.  She reads the articles and the stories.  She loves the little comic in each issue.  Best of all, there's some cool games.  While she loves looking at all the pictures, she also loves that she can learn some pretty cool things.

I have to say, Ranger Rick is the only magazine company I've found that offers magazines for such a wide range of kids.  There's really something for everyone.  Best of all, it's teaching the kids about something all kids love, nature and animals!  Of all the magazines and things out there, this is the one I'm most excited about.  It's one more thing my daughter loves to read and it's a company that offers something for all of my kids.  What could be better than that?

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