Monday, February 13, 2012

Sabrina the Kitty Witch

Our family is growing once again.  We've been pet-free for a while now.  I have to admit, I've kind of liked it.  The doors can be left open without having to worry about letting anyone out.  There were no cages or litter boxes to clean.  There was no wet-dog smell.  It was peaceful having no animals in the house.  I'd kind of gotten used to it.

That's when my mom threw a monkey wrench into our pet-free existence.  I've got to admit, my first reaction was "how do I tell her 'no' without offending her?"  I didn't really want the hassle of a pet in the house, but I've got to admit, my mother made some good points.  When no one else is there for you or they just don't understand, your pet will always be there.  I get that and I don't think it's a terribly bad idea.  Actually, I think it's a really good idea given she's dealing with the divorce and everything else.

We contacted a breeder, given my mom wanted to get her a Maine Coon, just like she and my sister have.  The idea was it would give her something in common with the family and that would help her make connections.  Again, it's not a bad idea, but those are expensive kitties.  I was pretty worried about that detail, but Grandma covered that.  We made all the arrangements and were given the option of two kitties.  The breeder would be deciding the kitten she was willing to part with at the cat show.

At first Bunny Boo was attached to one kitten.  Her name was Boo Kitty.  It's not surprising given the name, but she was also the "cutest" because she had "thumbs".  The kitten was what's called by some "double pawed".  She was completely set on that kitten.

However, when we went to the show the breeder decided she wanted to keep Boo Kitty.  Thankfully, Bunny Boo fell in love with the other kitten before the breeder could say much of anything.  It was love at first sight, and the pictures did nothing to capture her personality.  I was just relieved it all worked out.

So for the next couple of weeks Sabrina will be making herself at home here.  She's had a big exciting couple of days with snow on her trip home and then the need to get used to loud kids.  She's already shown a good deal of interest in everyone, but by the end of the day she got overwhelmed.  Who could blame her?  We all know kids are excitable and they started another one of their daily arguments over something silly.  It was just too much for her. She disappeared under the couch for a much needed nap!

Why Sabrina the Kitty Witch?  The kittens from her litter were all named after Halloween things since they were born so close to Halloween.  Her name was Sabrina, based on Sabrina the Teenage Witch.  We decided calling her a teenager wouldn't really work, so we substituted "kitty" instead.  Bunny Boo is excited to have a Halloween kitten, and I can only imagine the stories that will inspire as time goes on, especially as we get close to Halloween again next year!

I may not have been completely thrilled at the idea of this new addition to our family, but I'm glad we go her.  She's sweet and loving, even without having settled in that well.  On top of that, Bunny Boo has taken to trying her best to keep her room clean and to help clean up after meals so it will be safe for her new companion.  She's doing her best to settle all the arguments without screaming and fighting so her kitty can really settle in.  On top of that, she's already started to be responsible for all the things a kitty need.  She checks her food and water several times in the day and gives her fresh water when things fall in the bowl, usually at her youngest brother's doing.  She ask after her kitten regularly to make sure someone is keeping an eye on her to see that she's okay.  Best of all, she's using her new kitten as an excuse to sit down and read more often.  She knows that cats aren't a fan of people being loud and wild around them, so she's taken it upon herself to live in as calm, relaxed, and quiet of a way for as much of the day as possible.  The difference is indescribable.  I can't wait to see what other effects this kitten has on our family.  She's done so much already and she's just gotten here!  Maybe this is just what our family needed.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the kitty will develop an enjoyment of being read to as a relaxing activity.
