Monday, February 6, 2012

String Bowls, Theater Class, and Marshmallows

Yup, it's a co-op day.  How can you tell?  Probably by the interesting title to today's post.  I'm sure that's a pretty dead give-away.  I always write about interesting things on co-op days, which is probably why I love them so much!

I think the highlight of the day for me was helping a class full of boys make string bowls.  I would love to show you a picture of Link's string bowl, but I can't.  First, it's not done yet.  The glue needs to dry before it's finished.  It's also going to be entered into the art exhibit that all the other kids are getting to put something in.  You wouldn't believe how excited Link is to have something in "a real arts show"!  You'd think he was having his work displayed in some fancy New York gallery.  Of course, it's probably about the same to him.  He's never had his artwork on display before.  On top of that, he gets to have his artwork there just like his sister.

We also learned something about Link today.  He doesn't like messes.  We were making the bowls with string and glue, which meant the kids had to get glue all over their hands.  Link went the extra mile to get it on his sweater and his pants.  I guess it's a good thing that stuff washes out!  Unfortunately, he spent the whole first half of the project too squeamish to really get his hands covered.  Who knew Link would be so weird about a little glue on his hands?

My daughter came home with a page full of marshmallows.  It was supposed to be an atom, but I guess everyone though that it looked more like a man sitting in a chair.  It's pretty great how she's learning things like that in school.  When I was her age I don't think I had any idea what an atom was, never mind what they might have looked like!  It's amazing just how much they're doing.

Both the kids are very excited over next week.  They're going to be painting.  Nothing says fun to my kids like busting out paints.  I bet they're very excited to get a little bit messy on that front.  I know paint is a kind of messy Link won't be too squeamish about.  He loves it!

Now if only I had more of an idea of what Sander was doing.  I have to say, I'm really relieved not to be in the nursery the whole time again, but at the same time, I'm also really sad about it.  I loved spending my time in the nursery with my little one, but I also love the break.  I'm sure it'll be good for him to work with other adults than just me all the time too.  Maybe it'll encourage him to break away from his usual routine and get interested in something new.  After all, he's daddy's little man and mama just doesn't cut it sometimes.

I really can't wait until next week.  I'm starting to think I'm just as excited about the co-op each week as the kids are!  It's really been a lot of fun and it's working out to be great for all of us.

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