Sunday, November 20, 2016

Pup Pal, Minecraft, and Mom's Night Out

Last night I got a call from Bear.  "Mama!  Mama!  I can't move now!"  I had no idea what to expect when I was called to see the silly why it was Bear couldn't move.  It could be anything with these kids.  I never know what to expect.

This is what I saw.  I guess this was Nika's revenge for all the times Bear has laid on the dogs.  Bear is always trying to lay on the dogs, or sit on them, or cuddle them.  Sometimes they're not really a fan.  Nika, in particular, doesn't like when people lay on her.  However, Nika has no problems laying on me when I'm in a chair, pretending to be a lap dog.

Now Bear couldn't move.  It was a cute moment.  She's not usually one to cuddle with the kids.  She prefers to keep her cuddling to my feet, or putting her head on my bed and looking pathetic.  It was wonderful to see her snuggled up with Bear.  I think she's really getting comfortable with the children.  Besides, Bear has always been her favorite.

It's funny to see the way she is with Bear.  I guess it's all the time the three of us walk together.  Even when Bear is in the stroller she likes to keep her head even with the seat, that way she can check on her kid as often as need be.  If Bear is upset and crying, she's always the first to respond.  Though she's supposed to be my dog, I can't be upset about the way she's bonding with the kids.

As for today, it's been a quiet day.  The kids have sat around playing Minecraft.  Actually, if I must be honest, Pinkie, Link, and Creeper have been sitting around playing Minecraft.  Bear is still too little to play, but that doesn't mean cuddling with Pinkie is out of the question.  They're playing in creative mode, building their own city.

I almost wish we'd had Minecraft when we were still homeschooling.  It's a great way for the kids to be creative.  They've also been playing all afternoon while getting along perfectly well.  I'm sure when we homeschooled this would have been some great time for too, but it's especially good to see now.  The kids fight a lot more now that they're in school.

I have to wonder if the fighting is a factor of how little they see each other now.  They used to see each other all day every day.  Now they only spend time together in the few brief hours after school.  Since their arrival home is so staggered, they barely have time with Creeper, who seems to be having the hardest time with all of this.  It's hard on them.  They did so much better over the summer when they had all day together.  It's sad to see them so distant from each other, but moments like this remind me that it wasn't always this way.  I hope we have more of them in the future.

And on a completely not kid related note, I got to go out and have a new experience this weekend.  I was brought out to the range by a friend of mine.  This was the first time I've ever used a firearm.  From everything I can tell, I didn't do too badly at it, as I'm sure you can see.

We use some regular paper targets so I could get used to it, then we got some zombie targets, just for fun.  I had a really hard time hitting anything but the center of the target.  It was a challenge to try and hit the other figures, but I definitely feel that if "Z Day" were to come upon us, I'd be qualified to deal with the incoming zombie hoard.  Of course, not owning a firearm, that could be more challenging, but you get the idea.

Now all the kids want to go with me next time.  I think Bear, Creeper, and Link are still to young to want to take with next time, but Pinkie could probably go.  Instead of getting to go, the kids decided on where the zombie targets would hang.  Now they're posted on either side of the television, that way the kids can see them while playing their games.  It's definitely something I'll do again.

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