Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Family Traditions, Or Lack There Of

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  We're not doing the usual big thing everyone else does.  Instead we plan on having a Thanskgiving/Christmas season change.  We're going to be setting up all of our Christmas decorations while eating turkey and enjoying other holiday foods.  This is new for us.  Usually we end up going somewhere or hosting our own Thanksgiving, but this year is different.  We're spending it at home with lots of food to anticipate having.

I'm actually kind of looking forward to this.  It's kind of fun to break tradition.  We had very strict "no Christmas before Thanksgiving" rules in our family growing up, so it's fun to be able to buck tradition and do something so different.

It's not just that tradition that's been shifted.  We have a tradition of setting the house up for Christmas on Black Friday instead of shopping.  This year we've got a birthday party to go to, and Pinkie and Link are going to be staying overnight.  We're not going to be able to do it that night and include everything, and we don't want to push it too far into the weekend.  We're definitely ready for Christmas around here.

Of course, it's not hard to be ready for Christmas.  We've already gotten so many offers to help with Christmas for the kids.  It's hard not to be ready for Christmas when we're already talking about what the kids want.

So what do the kids want for Christmas?  Pinkie is really craving some new art supplies.  She's always been the artist in the family.  She's also dying for Pokemon Sun.  I know she's not going to be reading this, so saying she'll be getting the game for Christmas is safe, for now.  Link wants anything Minecraft, as does Creeper (no surprise there).  Bear want's everything DC Superhero Girls.  All three of them are going to be getting Animal Crossing A New Leaf, that way they can play together.  Aside from the games, you'll just have to wait and see what they get for Christmas until then!

On top of it all, we found out that Kiwi Crate offers four different crate products.  Technically they've got five because there was a thing about a newborn box.  Obviously I don't need to worry about a newborn box.  We're thinking of getting the Koala Box for Bear, since it's for ages 3-4, even though it'll be for kids younger than Bear halfway through the year.  I don't think six months of the wrong craft will really be a problem.  The Kiwi Box is for kids 5-8, and that would be perfect for Creeper.  Then there's a Doodle Box of art supplies which would be perfect for Pinkie, and a Tinker Box, which would be fantastic for Link.  Both are for 9+, so that suits their ages too.  We really want to do a year's subscription.  While it's a decent amount of money, I have a feeling they'll get more attention than a magazine subscription.  If it works out we may decide to do it again every year until they kids are grown.  At that point we'll probably go back to more conventional gifts.

As you can see, I'm already ready for Christmas this year.  If it wasn't for Thanksgiving being tomorrow, I'd already be dragging out the decorations and setting up the tree.  Clearly I'm going to be ready to jump on this first thing tomorrow!

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