Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Unschool Bus

As much as I have a love/hate thing with Facebook, my friend over at Otherwise Quite Good led me to something I'm glad we found.  It's called The Unschool Bus.  This project is absolutely inspiring.

This is very similar to something my family and I joked about doing for some time now.  I used to talk about buying some horses and wagons so we could travel around like the Gypsies of old.  In truth, the nomadic lifestyle kind of suits me.  I'd love to be able to pack everyone up and just relocate whenever we felt like it.  We want to go on a road trip for some school project or another?  That's great, we'll just pick up and go.  It would be so much easier knowing that our home could be with us all the time.  I think I might be more inspired to take a road trip back to visit with family that way!

Of course, this would be a lot harder to do if we had to rely on a steady, stable income.  We really wouldn't have any ability to work from a stable place.  We would constantly be on the go and that would make our lives far more difficult.  We would have to have some source of income that would be steady, aside from child support.  I suppose if I worked at it, I could in theory live by my writing, but I don't even know how possible that is.  It would be a lot of work, and I think it might be challenging with children so young.  I don't think I'd be comfortable until my youngest was at least four and even then it would still be challenging.

Still, it's something to think about.  It's a wonderful idea, even if it wouldn't necessarily be practical for my family.  It would be fantastic to do something like this.  Perhaps it's just a dream lifestyle, being free to go wherever we need to go.

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