Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Too Exhausted...

For those of you who follow my other blog, the next week I'll be sharing some interesting information I've recently found out.  As it turns out, there's a reason I'm so tired all the time.  I've been wearing myself into the ground with my allergies.

My whole family is going to have to go on a diet overhaul.  As much as my partner has had issues with it every time I've done it before, our roommate and the kids will be dragged along, kicking and screaming if necessary.  I need to do this, not just for me, but for my family.  If I've got these food allergies, my kids are that much more likely to develop them.  I don't want to do that to them.

The thing with these allergens is they're in everything in our modern diet.  Have you ever really looked at the ingredients on any food you like?  Have you thought about the hidden ingredients?  Dairy, wheat, soy, and MSG can all be disguised as "natural flavor".  Even things listed as non-dairy can contain dairy ingredients.  Things that are supposedly friendly, like soy cheese, still contain milk protein.  That means avoiding some of these things is all but impossible unless you make everything yourself.

It's thought that the increase of use of these allergens is part of what contributes to the large problem with them in our society.  Milk, eggs, wheat, and soy are in just about everything.  MSG, an incredibly common allergen, is in a good deal of things too.  Many people don't even realize they have a sensitivity to any of these things because they're so accustomed to eating them in their daily life.  It's not until you go without them that you start to see the changes in your own well-being.  If you cut them out of your system and suddenly start feeling a lot better in a couple weeks, it's probably a sign you've got a problem.

I want better for my kids than what I had.  Who doesn't?  Because of this, I'm going to look for ways to teach them a better diet, even if that means a drastic change in things we can and can't eat.  Yes, we may splurge now and again and have something out to eat, even though I know it's bad for me, but that's going to be a special occasion.  I can't have my kids live in a box where they never eat anything we don't make ourselves.  That's the quickest way to ensure they do it all the time when they grow up.

I think this is the biggest part of raising our children today.  Yes, it's great to raise them to be good people.  It's great to do the best you can with them.  It's great to have all these ideas and ideals.  However, when it comes to our kids, they really are the next step.  They're the next generation.  We need to teach them a better way so they can change the face of our future.  It's about making the world a better place for them so that they might do the same for their children.  Through our children, we can change the world.

Unfortunately, right now I'm too exhausted to do much of anything.  For the past several weeks I've been sick and only getting worse.  I didn't realize how much allergies can compound over time, how much drastically worse they can get if you ignore them, figuring you're not getting any worse, so why worry.  Instead it's been sneaking up on me, and now I'm so exhausted that, for the past couple of days, I don't even want to get out of bed.  Yes, it's time for a change.  It's time to get healthy again.

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