Saturday, July 16, 2011

Carving out a Little Space

Since we've moved here we've had tons of challenges.  Not only were there the complications of adjusting to a new space, but also adapting to having so little.  I didn't have a desk to work on.  We didn't have much in the way of furniture at all.  Things were pretty sparse for a while.

Then we were gifted with furniture, and that was fantastic.  We've now got a table that's now my desk, chairs, couches, an arm chair, a couple bookshelves, and a dresser.  While this stuff can be seen as just stuff and unnecessary, it does generally help make a place easier to live in.  Unfortunately, as much as we have, we just don't have enough.

Of course, the acquiring of furniture takes time, as does finding a home for everything.  When you've got more stuff than places to put it all, that makes it easy for the clutter to spill out into every corner of your house.  When you live with someone like Chesh, who doesn't clean up after himself pretty much at all, never mind doing it well, it becomes even more of a challenge.  This can be attested to by the stack of boxes in my couch which were set to go out months ago.  When the boxes started to pile up, so did everything else and no one seemed to much care.

With all the writing work I've been doing I've decided I need a desk.  I need to have somewhere I can sit and work in peace, even though that doesn't much happen around here.  Unless I lock myself in my bedroom, it's never peaceful here, or quiet.  Still, having a focused space in the living room is better than nothing.  Right now we're working with the table my friend gave me, as we have nothing else.  I've managed to set up a nice little knitting basket.  We've got a Scentsy warmer on the table and I've got my purse hanging on my chair, convenient and easy to find.  There's still a lot of work to do around here, but we're making progress.

Honestly, I think I needed this.  I needed a little bit of space so I could work by myself.  It's my one little space where I can work without having a million distractions or clutter in my face.  This is definitely what I needed.  I think I can finally focus.

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