Sunday, July 24, 2011

Learn Nothing Day, 2011

Yes, today is learn nothing day.  Want to know what that means?  Well...I'd love to explain it for you, but, you see, then you would be learning something, and doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose?  But it may already be too late?  What if you didn't know it was Learn Nothing Day?  Then you just learned that it was Learn Nothing Day...  Oh dear...  Well...I guess I kind of failed on that one too because I gave you the opportunity to learn.  I'm not so good at this whole thing.  You see, we're an unschooling family.  We're used to learning something new, or more accurately, a lot of new things, each and every day.

There it is.  I've finally said it.  I've come out of the education closet as an unschooler.  I've been denying it for a while.  I've been trying to play off as a traditional homeschooler, but we're not.  We don't use some elements of unschooling, not anymore.  We've gone off and have decided to use nothing but unschooling.  And you know what?  I've never had so much fun!

But...that brings us to today.  We started off the day in a rocky way.  We tried to forget about things we just might be learning.  We've tried as hard as we can to clear our minds of all the things that might inspire us to learn.  We've given up anything that might inspire learning in any way, shape or form.  Do you have any idea how hard that is?

So far the first one to fail was the baby.  Our little dude learned that his sippy cup can balance on it's top, and will rock back and forth.  I'm trying to make excuses for him, like maybe he learned this earlier and is just demonstrating it, but the truth is, I think he must have learned from that.  I think my older two are okay, so far...  They've been asking questions though...  They've been asking question after question and I have to keep reminding them to stop thinking so hard!  They might just learn something!

It's been rocky...and I think older two have learned something today in spite of it all...  NOT learning is really hard!  It's impossible to go a day without learning something.  It's something that's so much a part of our nature as humans that it's impossible to think of any other choice.  We learn something in just about everything we do, from childhood straight on to adulthood.  Isn't that the natural way to learn?

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