Tuesday, January 18, 2011

In the Bed, out of the Bed

Last night was another rough night.  For the second night in a row, our youngest has decided he doesn't really want to sleep.  It's not that he's getting up and playing, which was the reason my older son eventually decided he didn't like sleeping in the bed.  Instead he's just getting fussy, like he can't get comfortable.

For our littlest one, sleeping in the bed has always been quite the challenge since he was six months old.  At first he would only sleep in his swing.  Nothing else would do.  Then when we got him back into the bed, he was handling it quite well, but he would spend about a half an hour crawling around the bed, fussing the whole time, because he couldn't get comfortable.  He just wasn't a happy baby at all!  Once he finally found his comfortable spot, he laid down and would sleep peacefully until morning.

We went through a couple weeks there where we were spoiled.  The baby would lay down for bed and he would cuddle up to me.  He had boycotted nursing, so all I had to do was put him in position to nurse and he would take his thumb and be gone to the world.  I was sad that it looked like he'd be weaning so soon, but I was thrilled that he was finally sleeping well.

That's when things changed again.  I don't know what happened, but he's become an entirely different baby again.  He only wants to nurse at bed time, so my milk supply is still pretty low.  He doesn't want to sleep.  Instead he crawls around and fusses all night.  He seems to get comfortable, then moments later he gets up and starts fussing again, sometimes just to roll over, sometimes to crawl around the bed.  He's always cold at night because he has this thing against blankets.  For a while he and blankets were good, but now he's decided they aren't any fun at all and do not belong on the bed.  He even sometimes refuses to lay on them, meaning my partner and I have to freeze on the bed!  I don't know how he can stand it!  Our room is pretty chilly at night!  At some point in the night he always fusses that he's cold and snuggles up to us, but won't tolerate the blankets.  We would just dress him warmly, but we've had to take to putting a towel down under him because he's been soaking through all his diapers recently.  I know disposables are more absorbent than cloth, but he's soaking through those like crazy too!  It's just so strange!

As a result, he's kind of been in and out of our bed the last week, making it hard for my partner and I to get any sleep.  I love my kids dearly.  I wouldn't give them up for anything, but for those of you who tell me my life with baby should be so much easier now that he's a year old, that's not at all the case!

Hopefully this is just a phase and he'll outgrow it soon, like my daughter and her hatred of reading.  I know he won't always be such a pain over where he sleeps.  As he gets older he'll probably be the kid that can sleep anywhere!  For now, we're just going to have to keep working through it.

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