Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Absence, Craziness...

It's been a while since I've written anything.  What can I say?  I've been a little crazy.  We had a couple weeks of homeschooling failures.  I just didn't have the time, so we voted on having a bit of a vacation from homeschooling.  I think we all needed it.

The past couple of days we've kind of gotten back into the swing of things.  My daughter has been reading again, even though she spent a whole day fighting us on it.  She read three books on her own the first day.  Yesterday she read none.  Today she read one more.  We've been trying to get her to go off on her own, work on reading.  If I sit over her she doesn't actually do it, so we send her off to read in her room and then have her come back and read the story to us.  It's actually worked wonderfully!  She does so much better with reading if we leave her to do it on her own.  She mixes up a few words and needs help now and again, but for the most part, she gets it!

I think in the beginning of the school year we're going to put her into an online learning program, since Texas offers one for free after 3rd grade.  Perhaps having a little more ability for independent work will help her gain confidence in her own abilities in her problem areas.


  1. The hardest part of homeschooling sometimes is accepting the failures you have and figuring out what to do next... but it sounds like you did the right thing. Sometimes the best thing we can do is take a little time off and come back fresh.

    Voice From The End of Town

  2. I think you're definitely right abut that! Sometimes you need to walk away for a while before he frustration gets the better of you!
